Home - Bitesize lesson – fly fishing starter – Derwent Waterside Park

Bitesize lesson – fly fishing starter – Derwent Waterside Park

Bitesize lessons make it easier for newcomers of all ages to get into this superb sport and learn a new skill that can last a lifetime. The courses are professionally run and aimed at complete novices with our friendly coaches taking you through each stage, teaching you everything you need to know to be able to have an enjoyable day’s fishing.

A three hour lesson costs £20 for adults and £15 for under 18’s and all of the tackle is provided.

For anglers who wish to learn the art of fly casting using both natural and imitative patterns – then this is the method for you! You will receive casting demonstrations followed by a practical session on the grass. You will also receive an overview of various tactics used to locate, tempt and hook a fish. You will examine different flies and how they can be used in different conditions and at various times of year. This is an extremely popular fishing lesson lead by a qualified casting instructor and has built the foundations for many successful fly anglers.

To book call 01207 255 250.

Children must be accompanied by an adult, who can either pay to take part or attend for free and supervise. Please read and take note of our safety and fishing rules information on our safety page.

We can also offer try it lessons at our other premier trout fisheries, please call for details.

Event Details



10.00 am



Derwent Waterside Park


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