Lockwood Beck Fishing

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Fishing Types

Coarse Fishing

Lockwood Beck, located ten minutes north from Scaling Dam Reservoir, includes an excellent natural stock of roach and perch.

Offering peace, quiet, stunning scenery and an additional 1,500 skimmer bream, tench and crucian carp introduced in November 2017, the 60 acres of clear water is a must for coarse fishing enthusiasts.

There is plenty of fishing opportunities across the one and quarter miles of bank space including along the dam wall on the north side of the water. On the south side, you can fish from the banks of the spacious moorland, whilst on the east and west banks, there is mature mixed woodland.

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Our 2024 price list

For fishing at Lockwood Beck

Permit Type Full Day Concessions
Coarse fishing £7 N/A

Best Locations To Fish at Lockwood Beck

Try out our tips to help you catch!

When fishing at Lockwood Beck there is no best place to fish.

It is always a good idea to keep on the move.

Experience Fishing At Waterside Parks

Where to find us

Directions to Lockwood Beck

Lockwood Beck is located between Guisborough and Whitby directly off the A171, ten minutes north from Scaling Dam Reservoir.

Find us using sat nav:
TS12 3LQ

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