Home - Whittle Dene WaterAid Coarse Fishing Challenge

Whittle Dene WaterAid Coarse Fishing Challenge

At Whittle Dene (lower match lake).
Meet at 8 am for a 9 am draw and match from 11 am – 4 pm
Tickets available from local tackle shops from July. For more information please contact our ranger team on 01207 255 250.
Our life-saving partnership with world-class tackle company Hardy Greys continues this season. Together through a series of fun and friendly competitions, we have raised more than £55,000 for independent charity WaterAid.
Thanks to Hardy Greys for their continued support providing over £1,000 worth of tackle vouchers that participants can win when they enter any of our WaterAid competitions.
Thanks for your support.

Event Details



Whittle Dene Reservoir

Whittle Dene

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