Home - Winter opening times and prices from 1 November 2021

Winter opening times and prices from 1 November 2021

As the clocks have gone back, and the dark nights are settling in earlier, we have updated all the opening and closing hours at our north east sites for  both fishing and our shops.

We have also updated our pricing to coincide with the shorter days. Please see full details below and also on our booking page – https://bookwhen.com/watersideparksnorth.


Fontburn and Hury* – open until Tuesday 30 November 2021.

Derwent – open until Sunday 27 February 2022.

Opening times 9:00am to 4:00pm.

*Extended Season


Winter permit prices for Derwent, Fontburn and Hury.

Day permit 8 fish £21

Two rod 8 fish day permit £25

Fly catch and release day permit £19

Couples family permit 12 fish £32

Coarse fishing permit £10

Under 17 permit 2 fish £10


Kielder Water

Fishing closed from 1 November 2021.

Grassholme reservoir

Fishery closed low water levels no winter permit. Fishing moved to Hury.


All fishing on the reservoirs above, once closed, will reopen Saturday 12 March 2022.


Scaling Dam

Open all year. Permits for Pike and roach fishing £10 per day.

Opening times 9:00am to 4:00pm.

Only available online from Bookwhen.


Whittle Dene coarse fishery

Closed due to low water levels.


Lockwood Beck coarse fishery

Open all year. Day permits £7.

Opening times 9:00am to 4:00pm.

Only available online from Bookwhen.

















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